3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Wait Until After Renovating To Pick Outdoor Furniture

You’re all ready to start renovating your outdoor space as soon as spring arrives. The contractor is lined up and the plans have been drawn. You’ve been so busy working out the details of your new pool and yard, how could you even think about furniture yet?
Sound familiar?
After a major investment in redesigning your backyard, a lot of people leave the furniture that will make that space feel like home as an afterthought.
Don’t let this happen to you!
Making your outdoor furniture selections a key part of your renovation planning process is important for successfully designing and executing your revitalized outdoor space. It will prevent hard-to-solve issues and deliver real benefits, such as…
It ensures you will have space for the outdoor furniture you want
Great furniture will be a key ingredient to how you use and enjoy your new or renovated outdoor space, but if you leave decisions around which pieces you want until after the renovation begins, you may not have the physical space to make your dream come true.
When it comes to outdoor spaces like backyards and patios, even one or two feet can be the difference between your ideal piece of furniture fitting and having to make major compromises.
You don’t want to end up in a situation where you have to reject what you really wanted and downsize to something that is merely OK, especially when you have your heart set on a piece of standout furniture like a beautiful daybed or an oh-so-you sofa.
By working your furniture choices and dimensions into the renovation process, you’ll avoid disappointment!
It helps you stay within budget and take advantage of sales
Having a clear idea of what furniture you want in your outdoor space before the shovels pierce the ground will help you stay within budget.
One way this is helps is by letting you browse around for the furniture you want before the shopping season is in full spin. This lets you avoid the scenario where you go to buy the piece you want, but discover it’s sold out and not available for another 6-8 weeks — meaning you have to scramble to find a substitute piece, which may end up being more expensive.
Plus, giving yourself more time to plan out your furniture lets you take advantage of outdoor furniture sales — especially large discount end-of-season sales — that will be over if you wait until your work is done and end up shopping in peak-season. Taking your time and shopping smart can literally save you thousands of dollars while ensuring the items you want are in stock.
It gives you more time to think through your options and consult experts
Choosing your outdoor furniture isn’t something to take lightly — especially with quality furniture built to high standards and built to last — and should be seen as a significant investment for your home.
Which is to say it’s not something you want to rush through.
Being able to research all the designs, styles and brands available for your space means when you do make a decision, it will be the right one — you’ll be happy for years and won’t second-guess your choices.
And taking your time also gives you breathing room to consult design experts who can guide you through what pieces fit within your style and budget. At Casualife, our design team are experts on outdoor living spaces, have a keen eye for the little details that matter and above all are focused on your needs and finding the best furniture for you.
We even have the skills and visual design tools so you can figure out what will fit in your concept outdoor space and how it will look.
Having the time to think things through and consult design specialists means you will get the most value out of your outdoor space, with both the right items and layout, and will always be anticipating that first real day of summer.
Curious about finding the right furniture for your dream outdoor space? Get in touch with our helpful staff today at our Mississauga or Markham showrooms, and sign up for the Casualife newsletter for the latest design tips, promotions and more.